Hopefully a more up-to-date account of Angie's busy life

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Signs of intelligence.

Angie has always had a slightly larger head than you might expect for one so small. She doesn't look disproportionate, it's just that her hat size is generally larger than her clothing size. Chas points out that she gets that trait from me, since I actually have a larger hat size than he does. I'm fine with that comparison, I just remind him that this means we have more brains than he does.

She has a Jojo costume for Halloween. We bought it at the Disney store and it is perfect. It has a little beret and the pants and top are one piece. The outfit is just a little bit too long. The beret, however, would not stay on her head. Disney overstuffed the beret and it simply will not stay in place. I tried using barettes to keep it on her head but no luck. Chas tried cutting the elastic but that didn't help.

We finally identified the stuffing as the culprit, in addition to her sizeable noggin. Tonight I removed the stuffing and asked Chas to measure her head while she was taking her bath so that I could determine if any other structural changes needed to be made to the beret.

He measured it and was stunned. My husband does not have a "stunned silence" mode by the way. He immediately started saying things like, "That's impossible. I must have measured her wrong. Let me try again."

In the end, he measured her head at least three times, and his own head twice. For fun, I measured mine too.

The results?

The circumference of Angie's head is 20 inches
Chas's head is 21 1/2 inches
Mine is 22 1/2

So she definitely gets it from me.

I told Chas he simply has a freakishly small head.

The other good news is that the beret will be fine. It is roughly twenty inches in circumference too.


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