Hopefully a more up-to-date account of Angie's busy life

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Our First Potty Success


At 10:00 p.m. Angie decided that she wanted to wear her orange Jojo underwear to help her go potty. We have placed shiny new Jojo and Dora underwear (still in their packaging) on the kitchen table for a least one or two weeks as inspiration for Angie. We have frequently told her that when she learns to go potty, she can wear the Jojo and Dora underwear. She even repeats this mantra without prompting.

Over the weekend, we let her wear one pair of Jojo underwear so that she could see how it felt. She was so excited, she danced around, jumped for joy and was simply happy, happy, happy. Then she wandered off and peed while still wearing the underwear. We told her that was fine but that she needed to use the potty so she could continue to wear the underwear, put on her diaper and settled down for the night.

During the past week, Chas and I have taken turns sitting with Angie on her potty in the bathroom. We read books to her while she sat, then we would put her in the tub for a bath and she would promptly pee. We'd tell her that it was okay, but she really needed to pee in the potty, not the bathtub.

As I was saying, tonight, Angie climbed on the kitchen table and retrieved the underwear. I helped her put on the orange Jojo underwear and Angie ran to show Chas then proceeded to dance around the house. 10 or 15 minutes later, she came to me, pulling at the underwear as if it were suddenly uncomfortable. I asked if she had peed and she said yes. We went to the bathroom so that Angie could sit on the potty while I rinsed her underwear. She removed the underwear and I could see that it was quite wet. Angie started to sit on the potty and reached her hand into the potty as she did so. I stopped her then looked in the potty and saw about an ounce of liquid! I think she was startled by my excitement because she stood up and I could tell that she had actually peed in the potty! Now she probably did it while still wearing her underwear and some of it leaked out, but I don't care. She did it!

I called Chas into the bathroom and he confirmed that yes it did look like pee. Angie sat down on the potty and Chas and I praised her with much fanfare and hooplah. Angie looked embarrassed and proud at the same time. She looked as though she was blushing.

This is of course, just like Angie. As a baby she would do some of her big milestones when we weren't looking, and then surprise us with them later. She would cruise around the furniture when we were distracted and move to the other end of the room without noise or comment. Here after months of talking about the potty and watching that potty video, she sneaks off alone to take care of these things privately.

I'm so thrilled, I don't care how she did it.


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