Hopefully a more up-to-date account of Angie's busy life

Sunday, December 31, 2006

She's a process girl, not product.

Grandma Pat gave Angie little cookie cutters for Christmas and a little Joy of Cooking Cookies cookbook. So we decided it would be fun to make sugar cookies (the only cookie Angie eats) together.

It was an adventure. Again, with so much tossed from the fire, we needed a new mixing bowl and other things. Yesterday, Angie and I went in search of cookie cutters and a rolling pin. She vetoed the star and heart shaped cutters. Instead, we bought foot and flower cutters. We also found some silicon animal shapes that will make good cakes (if she ever chooses to eat cakes other than on her birthday). I could not find the plain sugar crystals that she prefers and she doesn't like the colored kind so we skipped that.

We returned home, ate dinner and settled in for some baking fun. Angie loved measuring the ingredients. "Oooh I love salt!" Yes dear, I know (pretzels and saltines are much preferred over sweets). "Ooooh I love vanilla!" Smells it. Do you like how it smells? "Uh-huh." She helped me crack the egg. "That egg made me all gooey!" Go wash your hands. "I love flour. What is the flour for." It makes the cookie a cookie.

She helped me combine the ingredients and giggled at the measurements. We used two spoons to mix because I killed the mixer. That's okay, I've always preferred mixing by hand anyway. It was just considerably more interesting with the two of us stirring at one time.

We rolled out the dough with some help from Daddy then stuck it in the refrigerator while Angie bathed.

Then we cut the cookies with our new cutters. It should be noted that while mixing the ingredients she was talking about how she was going to have heart and star shaped cookies. Ummm. You said no so we didn't buy them. "Oh. But Mommy the foot cookie cutter is back at the store because I said I didn't want it." No you put it in the basket. Sigh.

She was happy to cut out the foot cookies in the end and liked the little cookies Grandma had given her too.

We put the shapes on a tray and placed it in the oven to bake. Chas and I weren't impressed with the color after the recommended time so we left it to bake a bit longer.

Angie came out excitedly to try the sugar cookies. She took one tiny bite and, "Yuck!" Then took the cookie bits out of her mouth and put it on a napkin.

Sigh. I was afraid that my very particular child would refuse to eat the finished product. To Chas and I, they tasted like sugar cookies, albeit a little dry.

This morning, Chas made pancakes and again, Angie helped with the measuring and mixing. I could tell she was having fun. He tried a few batches while attempting to get the temperature right. He finally hit upon the right color and we prepared a plate for Angie. I could hear the "Yuck." from the living room almost immediately. To be fair to her, we bought a whole wheat, buttermilk mix because Chas trusted the brand. So I made her usual microwaveable pancakes and she was happy again.

So note to us: She likes the doing, not the final product.


  • At 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    She has inherited her mother's cooking abilities.LOL


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