Hopefully a more up-to-date account of Angie's busy life

Thursday, November 30, 2006

After Effects

We spent several days with my Brother, my Sister in Law and our niece and nephews over Thanksgiving. Age-wise, Angie is right between my niece and my youngest nephew. They have a great time playing together. She always picks up some behavior or mannerism after being with her cousins for the weekend. I'm not sure if she has the same effect on her cousins. No one has ever commented to me that they do something new or different after seeing her.

I've been a little under the weather and so has Angie so I really didn't notice anything
until last night.

After we turned out the lights, Angie proceeded to excitedly tell me about her drop off class earlier during which she painted a "shirt" and made a scarf and then played dress up. She was Princess Angela and she and her friends went to the ball.

Chas told me that the teacher spoke to him today and explained that during dress up, Angie organized all the girls into being princesses and had them going to the ball. She asked if Angie watches Cinderella often. Chas explained, "No. But her cousin Shea does." Shea told us several times this weekend that she loves Cinderella. I'm amused that my daughter, true to form, became the ring leader and told the other kids what to do. And they did (of course we don't know how the boys reacted). I'm also amused that she was building on something that she learned from Shea over the weekend. Angie isn't generally a princesses kind of girl--not that she's adamantly opposed to them, she just generally is a pirate or an astronaut or something along those lines.

Also this week, we needed some new toothpaste for Angie. She picked out the Disney Princesses one (not her usual flavor) and was very pleased and excited to do so. I threw a package of her usual into the cart just in case (Angie is very particular about taste and texture). So that night, I opened the Disney Princess toothpaste and Angie danced excitedly. She bounced for joy at the sight of the pink toothpaste going on her toothbrush. Then she put the toothbrush in mouth, so happy. At the moment the toothpaste touched her tongue, she spit it back out saying, "Yuck. It is too pink for me!" and then ran to her father to explain that the new toothpaste was too pink.

Too bad. I guess we'll just leave it at my mom's the next time we travel to see her.


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