Hopefully a more up-to-date account of Angie's busy life

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Houston, We have a Toddler

Kian has gradually improved his walking skills over the past month (as well as his extreme skill--diving headfirst at a nearby parent).

Tonight, he toddled away from me, looked over his shoulder, paused, giggled at me, toddled again, looked over his shoulder paused and giggled. Kian repeated the process two more times until he fell on the kitchen floor just as he was moving out of my sight.

He is extremely pleased with himself.

Angie cheered for him tonight then followed him to the kitchen where I saw her reach out and grab him as he falls/knock him down.

Uh Angie?

"But he likes to be pushed down."

Um he's not crying, but I wouldn't say he "likes" being knocked down okay?

"Okay Mommy."

We try to warn her that she needs to be careful, because soon he'll be bigger than she is. She doesn't pick on him too often, but she will be surprised the first time he defends himself.

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