Hopefully a more up-to-date account of Angie's busy life

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Developmental art

While we waited for the Doctor to come to the examination room, we were trying to keep Angie amused. I keep some crayons in my purse (it will be a sad day when those crayons are no longer an effective distraction) and offered them to Angie. She took them and I suggested that she draw on the paper that covers the exam table.

On her own, with no prompting from either of us, Angie began to draw people. She drew "Mommy," "Daddy," and "Angie." The cool part was that her people had dots for eyes and noses, a line for their mouths, arms and legs. Very exciting. Not in the establishment of world peace or discovery of cheap efficient alternative fuel kind of way, but exciting in the observation of a mind putting things together for the first time and finding her own forms of expression.

My Mother in Law (who teaches four year olds) assures me that this is developmentally very good.

I just think it is so cool.

And foolish me. I forgot to snag the paper from the exam table when we left.


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