Hopefully a more up-to-date account of Angie's busy life

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Mommy Whisperer

Angie has been trying a new thing to get her way:

She leans in very close to me, looks up at me with her big blue eyes, and whispers, "Mommy, Mommy. I want (Jojo, Dora, Ice Cream, Oobi, fill in the blank with another object of desire)."

I look at her and tell her that she can't have the object for whatever reason, (Jojo isn't on, she already had ice cream, etc).

She then looks at me very innocently and whispers the desired object again with enthusiasm: "Ice Cream!"

I look at her and whisper, "No Ice Cream!"

She looks at me impishly and whispers again, "Ice Cream! Ice Cream!"

This can go on for several minutes even though I don't give in to her whispered demands. At some point, you can tell that she is just playing a game and having a wonderful time. She never gets angry that she doesn't get her way. She eventually giggles and runs off to another activity.

It is completely adorable and (this goes without saying) so much better than tantrums.


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