Hopefully a more up-to-date account of Angie's busy life

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Art is a Cumulative Process

Angie has been using crayons for nearly a year. I gave her a set of washable crayons when she hit the fifteen month mark. For the last several months Angie has drawn on blank pieces of paper, then quickly moved on to another blank piece of paper after just a few crayon strokes. A few days later she returns to these pages and adds more colors. The entire process can take weeks to reach a finished masterpiece.

Now her artwork is interspersed with demands for Monster Daddy or I to draw something on the pages as well. She requests circles, feet, hands and TV with much enthusiasm. I try to mix it up a bit. I've made my circles into clocks and suns and added some very simple fish, all of which she recognizes easily. I've also drawn dogs and horses to the best of my ability. Much to my surprise, she immediately understood what I was trying to draw. I've seen Monster Daddy throw in a car here and there.

She hasn't tried to draw anything specific yet, although she has some lovely spirals.

We've signed her up for art classes with some birthday money. Orientation is next week, the classes will start in two weeks. It will be a fun way for Angie and Monster Daddy to make colorful messes. You'll be seeing the fruits of their labor here.


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